Project: Unimin Guion Overburden Removal
Location: Guion, Arkansas
Project Background & Description
Bloomsdale Excavating’s scope of work included: Overburden removal, drilling, blasting, screening and excavation.
Project Summary
Bloomsdale Excavating Company, Inc. was charged with removing the overburden on top of the Unimin Guion plant
in Guion, Arkansas. In order to fulfill the contract requirements, Bloomsdale had to clear more than 33 acres, drilling, shooting and hauling 2,400,000 cubic yards of rock. More than 340,000 cubic yards of sand also needed to be drilled, shot and hauled for construction of a sediment basin for a quarry. Lastly, Bloomsdale screened 50,000 yards of this shot rock into 4" minus.
An extremely rugged project site with deep cuts of rock and a sand floor at a slope of 10%, to which Bloomsdale was excavating down to, caused a variety of challenges for Bloomsdale. Bloomsdale was also charged with completing a portion of the project by September of 2011, so Unimin could begin production.
Despite these challenges, Bloomsdale was able to complete this hallmark ahead of schedule, moving more than a million yards of limestone and all of the sand.