All Projects | Bloomsdale Excavating Company Inc.


Project: Levee Reach 1B

Location: St. Charles Parish, Louisiana

Project Background & Description

Bloomsdale Excavating Company, Inc. was awarded a contract with in the state of Louisiana to raise a portion of the existing St. Charles Parish Levee.

In order to meet contract requirements 8,900 feet of existing levee needed to be raised from the current elevation of 10 feet to 16 feet above sea level. The project scope included clearing and grubbing of the site, demolition of the existing culverts, excavation and concrete scour protection. Bloomsdale also constructed and performed maintenance on a new access road. In order to gather enough material for the project, more than 420,000 cubic yards of material was excavated from a borrow pit located inside the Bonnet Carre Spillway.

A channel of water on the site also had to be relocated by digging underwater to a new elevation. Bloomsdale used a swamp excavator that could float on water to dig a new channel. The borrow material gathered from Bonnet Carre Spillway was well over the allowed moisture content. In order to amend the material, Bloomsdale spread it out and dried it by discs and dozers before placing it on the levee.

Bloomsdale successfully maintained partnerships with the client and local authorities while working to
enhance the reputation of all parties engaged in the design, construction, and maintenance of Louisiana’s
Hurricane Storm Damage Risk Reductions System.

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