Project: School of the Osage Early Childhood Center
Location: Lake Ozark, MO
Project Background & Description
BE’s scope of work included: demolition, site excavation and grading, rock excavation, site utilities
Project Summary
Bloomsdale Excavating Company, Inc was hired to perform the demolition, sitework and site utilities to build a new
15,000 square foot Early Childhood Center (ECC) addition to existing elementary school. Demolition consisted of a playground and parking lot on which the new ECC would be built. Our scope of work included demolition, stripping, clearing/grubbing, water lines, sanitary & storm sewers, drainage, rock and dirt excavation, low volume change material at building pad, base rock and surfacing for concrete pavements, topsoil and finish grading. Due to the fact this project was completed during the school year, a communication plan was developed to ensure all work was completed with minimal disruption to the learning environment.