Project: West Basin Scour Levee Repairs Phases I & IV
Location: Cape Girardeau & Bollinger Counties in Missouri
Project Background & Description
The entire project called for the repair of ten total scour sites that have developed along the right descending bank (RDB) of
the Castor River Headwater Diversion Channel. Due to large flows and high velocities typical after rain events, head cutting had given rise to major scour problems along the banks of the Diversion Channel. Due to the proximity of the levee to the RDB, the scour problems had the potential to undermine and destabilize the riverside levee slope. The problem was so widespread that individual spot-fixes were not suited to address the scope of the problem. As such, the US Army Corps of Engineers determined that it would be best to conduct the repairs in four (4) separate phases.
Project Summary
Bloomsdale Excavating was contracted as the excavation & grading contractor for phases I & IV which consisted of furnishing, placing and grading approximately 7,000 tons of R-400 rip rap in two sections along roadways, bridge abutments, and low clearance bridge piers of the eroding shoreline on the St. Francis River. Rock delivery was a challenge due to wet ground conditions and limited access. Equally, hauling and placing the 400-pound rip rap would need to be done with minimal impact to traffic which was accomplished via an extensive communications plan jointly developed between Bloomsdale and the general contractor.
Project Success
Despite the environmental and logistical challenges, Bloomsdale successfully placed and graded all 7000 tons of R-400 rip rap along the riverbank without disrupting traffic or recreational river use.