All Projects | Bloomsdale Excavating Company Inc.


Project: Bois Brule Road Raise and Drainage Improvements
LOCATION - Perry County, MO


This project required raising two roads that crossed an existing levee by two feet. This would allow a future project to raise the entire levee two feet for additional flood protection and the replacement and upgrade of culverts to improve drainage.

Bloomsdale Excavating crews imported 16,000 CY from a government-furnished borrow source, removed an existing box culvert and replaced it with a 72” RCP culvert. They also removed and replaced 2,000’ of CMP drainage culverts.The culvert removal and replacement, along withim porting soil, replacing base rock and asphalt paving had to take place over 15 days, as the existing road was only closed for that amount of time. In addition, the road is heavily used for farm traffic and is a key access point for many local farmers. Bloomsdale crews were able to keep access for farm machinery during a busy harvest season.

Crews worked multiple project components concurrently. This included soil import and stockpiling while the box
culvert was being removed and the new culvert installed.  Bloomsdale was able to coordinate with USACE and MoDOT to perform the required work during the allowed closure time frame as well as maintain access for local farm traffic.

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