PROJECT: Ft. Chartres Package A PL 84-99 Flood Support
LOCATION: Monroe & Randolph Counties, IL
Fort de Chartres was a French fortification first built in 1720 on the east bank of the Mississippi River in present-day Illinois.
Due generally to river floods, the fort was rebuilt twice before 1750 and is currently an Illinois State Park. The existing levee protects the partially rebuilt fort and state park.
Bloomsdale Excavating (BE) was contracted to repair 6 levee slides totaling over 15,800 cubic yards of material. A levee slide is a failure of the levee embankment that jeopradizes the structural integrity of the levee. Repair of levee slides involves the excavation of the slope failure material, lime stabilization of the embankment material and replacment and restoration of the exisitng levee. Schedule is of the utmost importance due to the lack of protection the levee offers while the material is being excavated and lime stabilized. The original contract was to replace just two of the slides, but due to the success of the original contract, the general contractor issued a change order to include four additional slides.
Site quantities included:
• Repair six (6) levee slides totaling 15,800+cubic yards of material