PROJECT: Replacement Hospital Fort Leonard Wood
LOCATION: St. Robert, MO
The project located at the U.S. Army Base Fort Leonard Wood, near the City of St. Robert, Missouri
and funded by Department of Defense, was awarded in August 2019. As the construction agent for Defense Health Agency, the USACE’s Kansas City District was responsible for the design, construction and delivery of the hospital.
The four-story building (basement level, three above-ground floors, and mechanical equipment penthouse) will feature a 235,400 SF hospital, 193,300 SF clinic, an expanded and improved intensive care unit, a 20,459 SF central utility plant, emergency back-up generators, a five bay ambulance garage, a helipad, and supporting facilities.
Bloomsdale's scope of work includes site clearing and demo, mass excavation, site utilities (storm, sanitary and water), structural excavation, modular retaining walls, site concrete (curb, sidewalk and pavement), final grading and imported topsoil.
Site quantities included:
• Mass Excavation (soil)- 290,000 CY
• Mass Excavation (rock)- 30,200 CY
• Structural Excavation- 167,000 SF
• Storm Sewer- 7,700 LF
• Sanitary Sewer- 5,700 LF
• Waterlines- 4,900 LF
• Retaining Walls- 2,400 SF
• Concrete Sidewalk- 58,000 SF
• Curb and Gutter- 11,000 LF
• Concrete Pavement- 110,000 SF
• Imported Topsoil- 7,400 CY