PROJECT: Ste. Genevieve 2 Levee District 84-99 Flood Recovery Levee Repairs
LOCATION: Ste. Genevieve, MO
The town of Ste. Genevieve, MO is located along the banks of the Mississippi River just south of St. Louis.
The Ste. Genevieve Levee system sustained damages because of high-water events during the spring of 2019, requiring federal action to restore the level of flood protection with existed prior to the 2019 flood events. Bloomsdale Excavating (BE) was contracted to repair three (3) levee slides.
Additionally. BE was contracted to repair wave wash erosion on 8,000 feet of the levee, fill a breach and scour hole and reconstruct the levee. The existing scour hole had water twenty feet deep which required water to be pumped out as a sand fill was simultaneously placed to fill the hole. The original plan was to obtain the sand from a government furnished borrow site. This was going to require BE to excavate 8”-12” of soil to reach the sand depth and then transport. BE was able to find an off-site sand borrow source at no additional cost to the client, shortening the schedule by three weeks. In total nearly 15,000 cubic yards of sand were placed and then the levee was reconstructed.
Site quantities included:
• Repair three slides totaling 6,100 CY oflime treated embankment
• Repair wave wash erosion on 8,000 feetof the levee
• Import and place 15,000 CY of sand•Place 25,000 CY of reconstructed levee embankment